Howard Martin County White Davis Sold.png

White Davis Holdings Mineral Interest Project
Howard and Martin Counties, Texas

  • 2,898.80 Gross Acres


  • 1,314.50 Net Acres


  • 8.33% to 12.50% Royalty Interest


  • Producing Formations:

Spraberry, Wolfcamp, Cline, Strawn, Pennsylvanian, Atoka & Mississippian


  • Potential Horizontal Objectives: Lower Spraberry, Wolfcamp A & Wolfcamp B


  • Possible Horizontal Objectives: Middle Spraberry & Wolfcamp D/Cline


  • 46 Producing Vertical Wells


  • Average Daily Production:

   419 BOPD & 2,849 MCFGPD (Gross)
   39 BOPD & 255 MCFGPD (Net)


  • Average Net Income: $65,600 / Month